Wednesday, June 14, 2006

June 14, 2006 - Random Thoughts...

I got my webcam to work again with Yahoo IM, finally!  After many frustrating tries, I reinstalled Yahoo Messenger, and voila!  It's amazing when tech works, and so fucking wrong when it doesn't.  I don't think I could live without tech for even a day... I'd be exhibiting heroine withdrawal-like symptoms.  Uh, let's not go there.


I celebrate every hour that Nicole is asleep... and lament every hour that I'm not.


My stomach is better!  I can eat normally again!  Well, within reason... I still need to stay off anything that could be an irritant to Nicole.  That means no pizza, ice cream, fruit salad (the kind with cream), cream-of-anything soup, milk shakes... and possibly no peanut butter sandwiches, soy milk and tofu.  But the good news is, I CAN EAT SUSHI AND SASHIMI!!!


Nicole turned 4 weeks old yesterday!!!


Stay Awake is playing in my headphones.  It just seemed like the perfect song at 1:30 AM, sitting at my laptop, alone.


I need a good, long hug... among other things...

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