Friday, June 26, 2009

Hi there... it sure has been a while...

I know, I know... it's been a very long while since I actually posted on my blog... 

Life has been busy, what with raising a very active 3-year-old girl (who has one hell of an active imagination), being a housewife taking care of a home and husband (which can and does include late night allergy interventions), working, traveling, and making sure I have some time for myself.  Well, it turns out that tonight, everything is quiet and settled, which give me blog time.

Now, what shall I blog about that I wouldn't already talk about in Backstory?

First... lots of work related stuff going on that I can't quite talk about yet... until the dotted lines are signed, I have to keep them to myself... but yes, it's all exciting!

Second... there are a few modifications I'll need to make to my house.  No, nothing of the aesthetic sort... the thing is, the water quality where I live has caused a few health-related issues with my family, so upon the recommendation of our neighbors across the street, I called someone that can hopefully help us fix the problem.  I'll let you all know how that turns out.  If all goes well, we'll all reap the benefits.  Man, the skin issues my daughter had was driving us all crazy!  Was it something she ate?  Was it the laundry soap?  Nope, our pediatrician said that a lot of the kids in the area were suffering from the same thing caused by the water supply.  Don't even ask me what it's called, I can't even pronounce it much less remember it.

Third, I've been racking up some serious frequent flyer miles, mostly for work.  I'm not complaining!  It's actually been a lot of fun visiting all these new cities that I've never been to, or have visited by never performed in.  I've gotten to see friends that I haven't seen in a long time, which is always a great perk.  And yes, I get to drive my car!!!

Yes, life has been sweet, and I feel incredibly blessed.  So far, 2009 has been a very good year.  It's half over, and going by quickly... I'm hoping that the rest of the year goes smoothly, too.