Friday, February 2, 2007

February 02, 2007 - Sweet, sweet baby...

Nic's still teething. Her front teeth still haven't erupted, much to her chagrin. A little Calpol just before she sleeps is incredibly helpful, and allows her to get some rest. During the day she's distracted and active, and has an easier time with her naps, but in the evenings... well, let's just say that all we can be is patient until this time passes. And how many more teeth to go... oh boy...

Not much has really been going on, save for loving this wonderful weather we're having. A strong breeze was blowing in the south (as in Alabang), which means no aircon necessary! I spent a lot of the day with the baby before I had to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony of the ReBirth Spa at Asian Hospital.

Yes, there's a spa in a hospital! The intended clientele will be composed of patients, their families and guests. Their speciality is lactation massage (I've had two sessions... it's AWESOME), focusing on breastfeeding women, and encouraging them to breastfeed. They're calm, relaxing, and cool-headed. It was definitely needed when I gave birth, and needed again many months later. They also provide other services: manicures and pedicures, foot spas, other massages and detox treatments.

More ReBirth Spas are planned at other hospitals in the city. A place to heal the spirit as well as the body.

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