Monday, August 7, 2006

August 07, 2006 - 4 Days To Go...

... to my first gig in nearly 7 months.

My last public singing engagement was last January 25... at the time I was already experiencing "technical difficulties".  So this Friday I'm starting slowly, with songs that won't force my body to do what it may not yet be ready for.  However at the end of the month I have an 8-song gig to prepare for, which means it's time to get into singing shape.  That means singing to my stored voice lessons (thank heavens for my iPod) and getting some aerobic exercise.  Yeaaaaaah.

Honestly, I'm a bit... well... scared.

I know, I know, things will go okay, and I have to trust in my abilities, yadda yadda yadda.  I'm just thankful that it's not a huge gig that I'll be doing, in order to ease my way back into work mode.

In any case, wish me luck.

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