Saturday, March 1, 2008


What do you do when you're irritated with someone or something?  An event or circumstance... something uttered by someone you don't already like... a behavior... a revelation... sometimes, the mere tone of the voice or presence...

I've found myself wanting to hurl a coffee mug or water glass at the closest human being.  However, I always exercise restraint.

So... how do I deal when I find myself irritated at someone/something?

I take a deep breath... find something else to amuse or distract me... read... talk about it out loud with myself to objectify things... write...

Whatever... so long as the end result is a diminished level of irritation.

Distractions usually work... and I'm able to go about like normal again.

Until my goat is got.


Bituin Escalante said...

uy...what triggered this?

Lea Salonga said...

Memories of past inis-es. The unprofessional chuvaness of one YOUR friends, for example... a revelation that, when I found out about it, made me wanna seriously hurt the person that told me about it... and certain people who just irritate me by existing.

I know I shouldn't live in the past... but sometimes, the past just jumps right back at you and you have to deal with it all over again.

sugar dizon said...

yeah right! :)

cherie gil said...

Try hurling a wine glass filled with white wine straight to ITS face next time you feel this way and say...
"you're nothing but a second rate, trying hard copy cat you bitch"!!!...It really works... believe me...

Gerard Salonga said...

I'll try that next time! Please send my love to Maestro :-)

cherie gil said...

Hey there.. will do! Maestro has a site also!! .NAKS! 1fiddler ...

Lea Salonga said...

Mwahhahahahahahahahahaha! Sige, I'll give this tactic a try!

Hogi Cadlum said...

How appropriate to stumble upon this post when I'm feeling the same way. Hopefully distractions will work for me too.


If it's a person, it depends on the situation. I either leave the room, ignore or confront right away. If it's an event or circumstance, of course I will enjoy first getting irritated (to the point of cursing which I don't normally do) then like you, I take a deep breath and think something positive will come out of it. But most of the time I find myself just being silent with a straight face. And finally, I pray for them.

Here I share my irritation list:

1. Negative people - they always complain about things, they enjoy cursing, criticizing (or should I say backbiting/bull****ing), and anything negative.

2. Overly Confident Opinionated people - yes everyone is entitled to their own opinion but it's the aura or the way they broadcast theirs as if they know everything and will insist their opinion whether their right or wrong.

3. People literally hitting the heads of others (or nambabatok).

4. People who can't keep promises.

5. People without sense of time.

6. Messy place.

7. Traffic (including jaywalkers, pedestrian crossing while it's still not time for them to cross, buses/jeepneys (the way they block the roads when picking up/dropping off passengers.

8. Gov't., Embassies, & Private Companies' automated answering operators (most of the time you'll end up paying expensive phone bills specially when you call embassies to apply for visas).

Hhhhmm? Manang, this calls for a separate blog for irritation in case you haven't got one.


Wow! Cherie, updated version! Meron nang "you bit**!!!" Hehehe.

cherie gil said...

am I allowed to say B***H on multiply? :0

Mabel J M Abejo said...

Read Dr Luskin's Forgive For Good. It will change your life.


Michael and Julie :) said...

hahahaha! ganda ng suggestion!

Lea, when you get irritated, just think of TILTIL......tanggal yan promise =D

Ronald Manaron said...

Those things you mentioned above really work for me, especially writing (blogs are a great way to release tension, right?) I've found laughter and telling jokes to be a great way to distract myself.

lily lily said...

well when I'm irritated, I have the urge to punch them...not a good idea, but I've never actually done that :D
I usually squish things (like my poor stuffed animals), swim, or play basketball until I'm all tired. Also, sleeping helps to calm me down!

Ria O. said...

Irritation is one of my biggest daily struggles.. I've learned to exercise restraint but it gives me a headache. Kaya palagi akong may headache. Hehe.

Jojo Terencio said...

breathing meditation is a good way to relax and calm down...

Tracy J said...

That's one thing I always try. It usually works... and for the times it doesn't, I just end up screaming into a pillow.

Whatever works, is what I say :)

Piper Holly said...

write down that person mistake or atraso sayo in the sand... so that this will be blown by the wind....
payo lang para mabawasan ang hate natin sa kanila...

Jamie Wilson said...

i take a deep breath, count to ten...then get my machete and proceed to chop some wood. very effective in releasing tension. if wood is unavailable, grab a chair. or a random limb.! mwah mwah mwah

Michelle S said...

Breathing and body stretches esp duon sa wrinkled neck area where a lot of pent up anger builds up....baka pwede din start taking up some kick-boxing lessons and visualize you're beating the crap out of this individual...bwahahaha...

bing ♥ said...

Kinda scheming but what I've done in the past (have done more than once, twice?, thrice?) was to pretend looking sideways (with neck hyperextended pa) while walking towards the person and blaam, you "bump" into that person and sabay apak sa paa and say "ooops, sorry". The apak sa paa would be great also to those nakikiabot lang ng pamasahe without saying "paki" or thank you. Again, just do it with style before baba ka ng jeep. Believe me, it feels good.

Quennie GBM said...

cherie gil really amuses me. one of my favorite actresses! this line she's been using since time immemorial plus she's known for this but everytime she says it, it always sounds crisp and new. she really has a talent. nice to see talented people in this site!

Sophi DelCarmen said...

! usually count 1-10 when that happens. But then again when I'm really mad, I'll bite off his ears instead LOLz Awrurrr !

Edrick Bruel said...

i'm so easily irritated too with almost anything, they say lack of enough sleep is one cause. i confront them and tell them i hate them/what they're doing--in my mind, that is. it's so works but..oh the guilt! hhehe

ღ Ch18e ¹⁸ said...

thank you! :) i really thought stars like you don't have problems like these! thank you for sharing!!!

Li'l Dove Feather said...

I've read worse. Sige Miss Cherie, say it with feelings!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Li'l Dove Feather said...

Sayang, maliit lang paa ko. Mas masaya sana!!! ;p

Kay Tolentino said...

Reasoning, writing, and running. It gets me through everything.