Friday, October 19, 2007

A really cool survey

1. What bill do you hate paying the most?
Globe Telecom, because I'm currently roaming.  Ouch!

2. Where's the best place to eat a romantic dinner?

Old Manila (Manila Peninsula).  Rob and I went there for our most recent wedding anniversary, and the food was incredibly delicious.  We shall most definitely return!

3. Last time you puked from drinking?
TND Party at the Leonor Compound... may demonyong nag-alok sa akin ng Jaegermeister.  Nampucha talaga.

4. Have you ever gotten drunk and danced on a bar?
Oh dear, no.

5. Name of your first grade teacher?
Miss Mary Tabaquero and Mrs. Lillian Rivera.  They were great!

6. What are you doing right now?
You mean besides answering these questions?  Winding down from a night at work.

7. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
I wanted to be a psychiatrist from when I was 9.  I like being an actor and singer much better.

8. How many colleges did you attend?
Ateneo de Manila (didn't finish) and Fordham University (for a few classes).  Yes, I like Jesuit schools.

9. Why did you get the shirt that you have on right now?
Because it's comfortable and reminds me of my husband.  I sleep in his large t-shirts... on me they look like nightshirts.

10. If you could move anywhere and take someone with you where would you go?
Oh I don't know!  Anywhere quiet and peaceful, and I'd take my daughter and husband with me (of course!!!).

11. First thought when the alarm went off this morning?
It didn't go off this morning; I let myself sleep in when I have only 1 show to do.

12. Last thought before going to sleep last night?
It'll all be better tomorrow... it always is...

13. Favorite style of underwear?
Low waist bikini

14. Favorite style of underwear for the opposite sex?
Boxer briefs.


1. What is your opinion on sex without emotional commitment?
It's fine as long as neither party is already in a committed relationship.  But I have to say, sex with someone you really love, respect and think the world of is better than any other type of sex known to man.  Better than anything those pornstars can dish out.  Seriously.

2. Do you bite your nails?

3. Are you a jealous person?
I'm jealous and wrathful of any woman that dares get too close to my man.  That's all I'm gonna say.  But generally, no.  I'm not covetous of possessions, physical attributes, or friends.

4. Are you allergic to anything?
Only certain foods, and to certain cosmetics when I'm pregnant.  Oh, and to Flanax, aspirin and any other pain reliever that isn't Tylenol/Biogesic.

5. What books, if any, have made you cry?
The Notebook.  I bawled like a baby.  That, and Tuesdays with Morrie.

6. Does it get annoying when somebody says they'll call you, but doesn't?
No, not really.  I don't care either way.

7. What is your favorite simple ice-cream flavor?
Haagen Dasz's strawberry... anything Ben & Jerry's (Oreo Cookie is yummy).

8. Whose car were you in last...?
The car service that drops me home every night.

9. What would you rather be doing right now?

10. What song lyrics, if any, are stuck in your head at the moment?
None.  Fortunately.  I hate "last song syndrome".

11. What will you dress up as for Halloween?
I won't be... I've been in costume everyday for the last 8 months.  But my daughter will be a black cat.

12. What is your favorite TV show?
Heroes, Grey's Anatomy, Brothers & Sisters.

13. Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex?
Opposite sex.  I don't feel that sense of competition with men.  Having said that I have some really fantastic women best friends.

14. Can others make you cry easily?
It depends on the time of month.

15. Who was the last person to piss you off?
Let's not go there, lest you want me to get homicidal.

16. Are you picky about spelling and grammar?

17. Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages?
I used to, but when I stopped that's when I started losing weight.

18. If you could be any type of fruit, what would you be?
Durian.  Only the brave would venture anywhere near it to enjoy it.  Heck, not even I would!

19. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
3 to 4... just to function.

20. When was the last time you slept on the floor?
Does a mattress on the floor count?  If so, on my last holiday in Manila in August.

21. Have you ever been attracted to someone, but not physically?
No.  Attraction involves the physical as well as the mental and emotional.

22. What are some things that are needed in a relationship?
Tons of respect.  Without that, the relationship will cease to work.

23. Do you like traveling?
I like it enough to do it.  I don't love it necessarily as I do it so much for work.

24. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos?
Nope.  Sorry.

25. Do you believe the guy should pay on the first date?

26. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
I want to re-pierce my left earlobe.  It closed up just when I got pregnant.

27. Which do you make: dreams or plans

28. Can you speak any languages other than English?
Filipino.  But my English is far better.

29. What is your favorite salad dressing?
Ranch, sesame vinaigrette, raspberry vinaigrette

30. What movies do you know every line to?
None.  That may change once I start watching Disney movies with my daughter.

31. Has anyone told you a secret this week?

32. Have you told someone else that secret?
N/A.  But I'm generally a great secret-keeper.

33. Would you rather take the picture or be in it?
I'd rather take them, as I'm in photos a lot for work.

34. Do you wear flip-flops?
When the weather's warm, I live in them.

35. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Any one of these things: pepperoni pizza, mildly spicy squid with string beans, tuyo, fried eggs and garlic rice, foie gras, rib-eye steak with creamed spinach and garlic mashed potatoes, pasta of any kind with pesto.

36. What's the sweetest thing someone has done for you?
My daughter giving me a hug, anytime she does.  She pats my back too, which makes me giggle.  She's a sweet little girl.


arlin dizon said...

your answer to the 3rd question made me laugh!

Adrienne Sarmiento-Buenaventura said...

Hello! I remember watching you in "Grease" years ago when it was staged at the Meralco Theater. You were just fantastic! I saw your signature on the wall in the GC4 recording studio, where you wrote "Singer raw" under your name. Hahaha! Understatement! :) May the Lord continue to prosper you and your family. My brothers and I truly admire you. I will always remain a fan. Oh, and Haagen Daz strawberry IS the best! Hehehe!

Gabe Mercado said...

35. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Any one of these things: pepperoni pizza, mildly spicy squid with string beans, tuyo, fried eggs and garlic rice, foie gras, rib-eye steak with creamed spinach and garlic mashed potatoes, pasta of any kind with pesto.

One thing lang!

Not following instructions!



A very nice survey though.

I'll answer it in a bit. :)

Flip Corpus said...

who wasn't a wreck from the answer in Q3? haha =)

bing ♥ said...

9. Why did you get the shirt that you have on right now?
Because it's comfortable and reminds me of my husband. I sleep in his large t-shirts... on me they look like nightshirts. I DO THIS TOO!

8. Whose car were you in last...?
The car service that drops me home every night. THE BLACK ESCALADE!

9. What would you rather be doing right now?

arkitekfhc . said...

Nic in a black cat costume...nice! Peechur, por favor?

Herman . said...

Now those names bring back memories =)

And the Pen? Mi Piace's my romantic place. It is right next to the bar, after all.

Michelle S said...

Where will you take Nicole for trick or treating? By the way, we'd love to see more pics, baby Nic has grown so fast =)

Soleil NYC said...

OMG The Notebook was my most surprising experience with a book. I read it because everyone said it was great. By the first 5 pages I was like, "This is the ugliest prose I've ever seen on the printed page." But I kept reading coz..well, it was in the bathroom and I had nothing else. Fafafa!

Anyway, I keep reading and get to "THE LETTER" at 3AM and I can't help it..the tears come out and they can't stop, I can't breathe. I shake my booboo awake (At. 3. A. M.) and hysterically tell him, "I love you! I love you!! Don't ever leave me!!! Waaaah!!!"

sees pop said...

Hi Lea. This is soooo interesting to read....may I post this on my blog too? Miss chatting with 'ya!

angelica garcia said...


i'm allergic to almost all the pain relievers my mom offers me... it's nice to know that i'm not the only one... haha...

Chinky Fuentes said...

Hi! Most interesting survey i've read so far. not just because you are the one answering it (tho that's a great deal) but the questions are very interesting to begin with.

Can I post this on my blog (with my answers, of course)?

tin samson said...

nice! :) loved reading your answers. may i answer the survey on my blog, too?

about being on international roaming, do you have chikka installed on your computer? ( you can send text msgs to people in the phils. (and some US numbers, too!) for free thru chikka. there's a limit per day, but it's good na. i used that a lot when i was there, and my bill wasn't that bad when i got back. :)

i love love love grey's and brothers & sisters, too!

Alexander Cohen said...

I wasn't very amused by the answer to #3: I found it very sweet, and not at all surprising. Or is the amusement about the other #3?

Anyway, a question for Lea: You've invited your fans to friend you on MySpace. Does the same invitation apply to Facebook, or are you reserving that for your friends?

maricon ragual said...

Would there be another christmas album?
Won't you have concert shows in Seattle, Washington?

Jojo Terencio said...

wow! this survey says a lot-- thanks for sharing a personal side of yours, lea! we seldom read these stuff in the media. now, i get to know you more as a human being-- better than lea salonga, the star :) god bless you and your family always!

ramon se said...

1. What bill do you hate paying the most?
Globe Telecom, because I'm currently roaming. Ouch!
I can relate somewhat to this.............
i just got back from my phils. vacation.i have a prepaid smart sim card. it is a pain to load,since i have to ask people back home to do this for me. if someone know how i can do this automatically,please let me know. salamat!

cristina palisa said...

Miss Lea would you mind If I use this survey on my bulletin at friendster? Its very nice

Lea Salonga said...

Go right ahead!

Kiel Froilan said...

Ms. lea i really like your answer on question number 3. hehe. pinoy na pinoy.

Pink Pumpkin said...

ms. Lea, this survey is already famous here in Multiply..
Some even named it as "The Famous Survey" because you posted it. LOL! honestly, I answered it too!

3rd Catayoc said...

Oh so you don't like durian. It's best when mixed with all purposed cream, milk and sugar then frozen. Home-made ice cream.

Urane laderas-cabantog said...

hehe, so this is the orig. post from Miss Lea... Heard it from different people in multiply...
it's so interesting to read... nice to know that you have time answering surveys like this..

donna c said...

Jaegermeister is not that bad especially if it's mix with Red Bull... popular drink for college students but at least you tried it and experience the effect of the spirit.

donna c said...

A very good book, one of my favorite, a keeper. I read this book in a day and a half....can't put it down. I cried reading this book and realized how lucky I am and not to take things for granted especially friends, family and love ones.

Li'l Dove Feather said...

That's a neat way to look at it. I think I'll go quot eyou on that one one of these days.

Jo Anne Villarosa said...

Ben & Jerry's top choices: Strawberry Cheesecake and Creme Brulee (this one's too sweet for some people though). Enjoyed your candor in answering this survey!

marchie reyes said...

Haha!!! my rentz migrated to the US last March... since my mom doesn't want to lose her special number and my dad's as well, they're on roaming too...
funny thing is I get the bill hahaha :p so, yeah! I hate it most... double ouch! :p
*if in any case my mom gets wind of this, I'm not complaining! :p*

Pao ;) Simeon said...

OMG!!!! pa grab :D

princess gmae said...

grabbing :) Thanks!

Anna Dimerin said...

I just have to comment:

9. What would you rather be doing right now?


Carlo Marquez said...

can i repost this:) thnks:)

bunzai atienza said...

OMG, really coool, hope you won't mind me
re-posting this, ma'am!
much love!♥

jett sevilleja said...

haha me too.:))