Wednesday, March 22, 2006

March 22, 2006 - Pregnancy Blog


I found the sleep position.  Well, sort of.  Day to day, it varies: it could be the position of the pillow, the position of my body, the position of the baby.  But at least I don't feel like I'm having a heart attack from the acid going up my gullet.

We've also settled on the baby's name: NICOLE.  It's now been immortalized on a charm attached to my bracelet (given to me by one of my best girlfriends since we were both 15 years old).  We had lunch together (sans children and spouses) then headed to the mall, and straight to Joyce Orena's shop to get the new charm (as well as to replace a lost letter in another charm).  I also got another couple of charms that I thought were so cute and cool.  I'm reserving links for when the next kid comes along, or when another charm catches my fancy.  As we parted, I was able to give my goddaughter (her daughter) a kiss and a hug.  She's such a good baby.

My friend also told me about the nightmare that her son unleashed when he was due to get his shots... had to be held down by 4 people, the needle nearly broke, and the doctor had to inject him twice.  Not to mention, she gave him one stern talking to afterwards.  Poor kid, he got the time-out chair when he got home.  I don't think I ever saw my friend with that look on her face.

Parenthood.  Its joys, its sorrows... holding down a screaming child at the doctor's office.

Is that what we're going to face?  Are we ready for this?  Or will we end up crying alone in the bathroom from frustration and anger?

I think the answer is that parenthood is going to be the most fulfilling, frustrating, joyful, empowering experience.  I don't think anyone ever feels completely prepared for what's to come.  People tend to romanticize the "beautiful bundle of joy" that it is when it comes home from the hospital, but how about when you catch your child smoking or drinking?  Kissing?  Sneaking out of the house, and sneaking back in?

But how about those first steps?  That first tooth?  And later on, graduations and weddings?

Yeah, we're in for a monster of a ride.  I think we're as ready as we'll ever be.


Dana Cosio-Mercado said...

This is a beautiful piece, Lea. You describe the emotions of parenthood so well, without having experienced it yourself then. The screaming child at the doctor's office, the crying alone in the bathroom... that's all true.
And then some.

Dana Cosio-Mercado said...

This is a beautiful piece, Lea. You describe the emotions of parenthood so well, without having experienced it yourself then. The screaming child at the doctor's office, the crying alone in the bathroom... that's all true.
And then some.